Term: Spring 2025

Instructor: Aline Normoyle

Course Info

Welcome to CS355: Operating Systems!

octopus os

A practical introduction to modern operating systems, using case studies from UNIX, MSDOS and the Macintosh. Topics include computer and OS structures, process and thread management, process synchronization and communication, resource allocations, memory management, file systems, and select examples in protection and security. This is a challenging, implementation-oriented course with a strong lab component

Students should expect to spend at 15-20 hours of work each week, including 4.5 hours or class and lab time

Learning Goals:

  • Processes and threads, Unix system calls

  • Synchronization, classic IPC problems such as race conditions and deadlocks,

  • Processor scheduling

  • Memory management internals

  • File system internals

  • I/O and disks

  • Other OS topic such as multi-processor, visualization and the cloud, OS security, etc

  • Kernel design and implementation

  • Performance profiling and debugging

  • Experience in low-level systems programming in a realistic development environment

  • programming assignments enable students to further develop the analytical skills required to manage system complexity, creative problem solving, and engages student in collaborative and in-depth application of their high-level operating system knowledge.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understanding fundamental OS components and structure.

  • Understanding OS design challenges and algorithms

  • Knowledge of the services provided by the OS and details of major OS concepts.

  • Experience in developing low-level operating system code.

  • Understanding the performance and design trade-offs in complex software systems

  • Experience in developing benchmarks and test suites to evaluate the performance and robustness of system

Meeting Times

Activity Location Time


Park 336

Tuesday and Thursday 1:10 PM - 2:30 PM


Park 231

Thursdays 2:40 PM - 4:00 PM

Office Hours - Prof. Aline Normoyle

Park 231

Thursdays, 4-5 PM; Some Fri/Sun/Mon by appt (Zoom)

Office Hours - Paprika Chen

Park 231/Zoom

Thursdays, 4-6PM; Saturday 2-3 PM (Zoom)


The syllabus may change during the semester. Please check here every week for updates on lecture content, worksheets, and assignments.

Week Date Agenda


January 21, 23

Introduction, Programming, Bash

  • Topics: History, Bash, Compiling and Building, C/C++

  • Reading: Tannenbaum 1.1-1.6

  • Assignment 01: Due January 26

  • Lab Jan 23: Git!


January 28, 30


  • Topics: OS Concepts, Processes, Fork

  • Reading: Tannenbaum 2.1

  • Lab Jan 30

  • Assignment 02: Due Feb 2

  • Written Questions (Due Jan 28 in class, Be Brief!): Tannenbaum pgs 81-83: 1, 9, 10, 17, 20, 23, 27, 28


February 4, 6



February 11, 13

Job control, Threads

  • Topics: Process groups, sessions, advanced signals, introduction to pthreads

  • Read: Tannenbaum 2.2, Kerrisk Chpt 34

  • Lab Feb 13

  • Assignment 04: Due Feb 16

  • Written Questions (Due Feb 11 in class, Be Brief): Tannenbaum pgs 174-180, #9, 14, 18, 26, 36, 44


February 18, 20

Thread IPC and Scheduling, Classical IPC problems

  • Read: Tannenbaum 2.3, 2.4, 2.5

  • Lab Feb 20

  • Written Questions (Due Feb 18 in class, Be Brief): Tannenbaum


February 25, 27

Memory Management

  • Read: Tannenbaum Chapter 3

  • Assignment 05: Due March 2

  • Lab Feb 27

  • Written Questions (Due Feb 25 in class, Be Brief): Tannenbaum


March 4,6

Virtual memory and paging

  • Read: Tannenbaum Chapter 3

  • Lab March 6

  • Exam 01


March 11, 13

Spring Break



March 18, 20

Paging and segmentation

  • Read: Tannenbaum Chapter 4

  • Assignment 06:

  • Lab March 20

  • Written Questions (Due March 18 in class, Be Brief): Tannenbaum


March 25, 27

File Systems I

  • Read: Tannenbaum Chapter 4

  • Assignment 07:

  • Lab March 27

  • Written Questions (Due March 25 in class, Be Brief): Tannenbaum


April 1, 3

File Systems II

  • Lab April 3

  • Written Questions (Due April 1 in class, Be Brief): Tannenbaum


April 8, 10

I/O and disks

  • Read: Tannenbaum Chapter 5

  • Assignment 08:

  • Lab April 10

  • Written Questions (Due April 8 in class, Be Brief): Tannenbaum


April 15, 17

Multiple Processors, Virtualization and the Cloud

  • Read: Tannenbaum Chapter 7 and 8

  • Lab April 17

  • Written Questions (Due April 15 in class, Be Brief): Tannenbaum


April 22, 24

Security and Protection

  • Read: Tannenbaum Chapter 9 and 10

  • Lab April 24

  • Written Questions (Due April 22 in class, Be Brief): Tannenbaum


April 29, May 1


  • Exam 02

  • Lab May 1

Text and Tools

  • Modern Operating Systems, 4th Edition, by Andrew S. Tannenbaum, Prentice Hall, 2015. ( Note that there is a newer 5th Edition, but there is little difference in the materials we cover and the 4th Edition is significantly cheaper.)

  • The Linux Programming Interface, by Michael Kerrisk, No Starch Press, 2010. Available from No Starch Press

  • Dive Intro Systems

  • Github Account Please go to github.com and register. You will be using github to submit assignments.

  • Slack Please go to slack.com. Our workspace is BrynMawr-CS355-S25. You can ask questions and access course content on Slack. Course announcements will also be made on Slack.

Grading Policies

All graded work will receive a grade, 4.0, 3.7, 3.3, 3.0, 2.7, 2.3, 2.0, 1.7, 1.3, 1.0, or 0.0. At the end of the semester, final grades will be calculated as a weighted average of all grades according to the following weights:




Assignments, projects, oral exam


Written homeworks and discussions



Late Policy

There are weekly or bi-weekly programming assignments as well as written homeworks (problem sets). You are encouraged to work together, but you should write up your own solutions (except for group programming assignments).

Programming assignments will be due on Fridays. You may submit up to one day late for any reason. Late assignments will not be accepted and will receive a zero.

Some programming assignments will be eligible for resubmission. On these assignments, you are encouraged to submit partially complete work. To be eligible for resubmission, your submission must compile and have a minimal set of features implemented, as specified by the assignment. You may resubmit up to two times, to earn up to 90\% of the credit the first submit and 70\% of the credit for the second submit. The resubmission policy is our way of acknowledging the implementation challenges you will face in this class. But we also want to keep you on track and so we provide consequences to help you stay accountable.

Written homeworks (problem sets) are due in class on the day specified. Late written homeworks will not be accepted.

Except for circumstances beyond your control, all extensions must be requested at least 24 hours in advance of the deadline. Extensions will be granted based on individual circumstances. Time-management related problems are not valid reasons for extensions.

Academic Integrity

At Bryn Mawr, we assume students are trustworthy and work with honesty and integrity. Look here for information about Bryn Mawr’s Honor Code.. Obviously, quizzes and exams must be your own work. However, you will be allowed to work with others on assignments; although everyone must submit their own work.

Collaboration is not allowed on exams or quizzes.

Programming is a creative skill that takes practice and effort to develop. It’s essential that you develop your own skills for developing algorithms and implementing them through programs.

You are encouraged to discuss the lecture material, projects and problems with other students, subject to the following restriction: the only "product" of your discussion should be your memory/understanding of it - you may not write up solutions together, or exchange written work or computer files. Group projects are the only exceptions to this - in this case, these collaboration rules apply to students outside of your group.

Code should not be copied without permission from the author. If permission is given, code should be cited at the location it is used with a comment. If your solution is inspired by any outside resources, you MUST cite them.

You understand the code you wrote if you can do the following:

  • Explain how your code works to someone else, without looking at your code

  • Explain the system calls necessary to complete your assignment without looking them up online

  • Write a similar program within a few minutes, without looking up help online

Here is advice of what has helped me the most to improve as an engineer and programmer:

  • Most beneficial: Writing my own programs from scratch, followed by stepping line by line using a debugger to make sure it worked as intended

  • When stuck, debugging the program with the help of a more experienced developer

  • Comparing my solutions with others after I finished my own solution

I do not recommend relying on stack overflow, copying old solutions, and using Chat-GPT. The absolute worst way to program is by cutting and pasting code you don’t understand, guessing your way to something that kind of works.

I am not going to police how you study and develop skills. But I will be assessing you on the results of your effort. If you’re not doing well, you need to figure out how to work differently.


  • DO discuss ideas and approaches with your classmates.

  • DO discuss ideas and approaches with your TAs and instructor.

  • DO search for documentation and sample programs for built-in C functions and C syntax.

  • DO use code from our text books and class (with attribution).

  • DON’T use Chat-GPT (or other LLMs) to generate solutions.

  • DON’T copy full solutions, from online tutorials, previous students, etc

  • DON’T use functions and C syntax that is disallowed by the Makefile. We are deliberately using simple and portable C.

  • DON’T modify any basecode that comes with your assignment.

  • DON’T ever share your code with other students.

It’s ultimately up to you to learn and develop skills. No one can do it for you. You must do the work.

Academic Accommodations

Classes will be recorded and close-captioned. Links to lectures will be posted on the class slack.

To receive an accommodation for a course activity (such as more time on quizzes and exams), you must have an Accommodation Letter from the Office of Student Disability Services and you need to contact us to work out the details of your accommodation at least two weeks prior to the activity. Forms can be emailed to me, the instructor.

You are also welcome to contact us privately to discuss your academic needs. However, all disability-related accommodations must be arranged, in advance, through Student Disability Services. Also note that accommodations are not retroactive and require advance notice to implement. More information can be obtained at the Access Services website. (http://www.brynmawr.edu/access-services/)

Covid Policy

Lectures and labs will have a mask-friendly policy. All are welcome to wear a mask if they so wish, but no one is mandated to wear a mask.

If you are symptomatic (coughing, sore throat, or running nose), please either stay at home or come into campus with a mask. Lectures will be recorded so they can be watched later. Missed lab activities and quizzes will have their grade credit transferred to the final.

Academic support

Title IX

Bryn Mawr/Haverford College is committed to fostering a safe and inclusive living and learning environment where all can feel secure and free from harassment. All forms of sexual misconduct, including sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, domestic violence, and dating violence are violations of Bryn Mawr/Haverford’s policies, whether they occur on or off campus. Bryn Mawr/Haverford faculty are committed to helping to create a safe learning environment for all students and for the College community as a whole. If you have experienced any form of gender or sex-based discrimination, harassment, or violence, know that help and support are available. Staff members are trained to support students in navigating campus life, accessing health and counseling services, providing academic and housing accommodations, and more.

The College strongly encourages all students to report any incidents of sexual misconduct. Please be aware that all Bryn Mawr/Haverford employees (other than those designated as confidential resources such as counselors, clergy, and healthcare providers) are required to report information about such discrimination and harassment to the Bi-College Title IX Coordinator.

Information about the College’s Sexual Misconduct policy, reporting options, and a list of campus and local resources can be found on the College’s website: